The first International Conference entirely dedicated to Phenylketonuria (PKU)

PKU_CON aims to bring together all stakeholders from around the globe currently involved in the management of patients affected by this inborn error of metabolism with an unique and same, single goal: optimize the care and assistance for patients affected by Phenylketonuria.
Many topics will be discussed during this first edition, starting from a renewed vision of the pathology, with possible identification of new biomarkers and metabolic control indices, to updates in the field of dietary and pharmacological interventions, and addressing relevant assistance-related issues such as burden of illness and unmet needs.
We are confident that this event will provide you with a unique opportunity for meeting and discussion with all colleagues interested and involved in managing this fascinating pathology.
I look forward to welcoming you in the beautiful city of Milan, multicultural and cutting-edge, just like us!
Valentina Rovelli
Scientific Coordinator